Disease/Insect Control and Prevention
Brown’s Tree Care uses the most current and cutting-edge methods of treating and preventing disease and insect infestation. We make sure that all treatments are safe for humans, animals and the environment.
Methods of Treatment
- Micro-Infusion
- Macro-Infusion
Disease Control and Prevention
Diseases are caused by a fungus, bacteria or a virus. At Brown’s Tree Care, we treat (in some cases prevent) most of the diseases that affect the health of trees. A few of the most common treatments we administer are:
- Oak Wilt Prevention ***Most Affordable Rates, Plus Special Group Rates***
- Sycamore Anthracnose Prevention/Treatment
- Dutch Elm Disease Treatment
- Sudden Oak Death
- Oak Decline Disease
- Hypoxlyn Canker Disease
- Powdery Mildew
- Fire Blight
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch
- Cotton Root Rot
- Verticillium
- Rust Diseases
- Galls
And Many More…
Pest Control and Prevention
We treat and help prevent most varieties of pest. Some of the more common pest in Texas are listed below.
- Aphids
- Leaf Beetles
- Borers
- Lacebugs
- Leafhoppers
- Leaf Miners
- Scales Insects
- Whiteflies
- Webworms
- Fall Webworms
And Many More…